I was reading the latest edition of Men’s Fitness magazine (August ’08) scouring the cover story on the workout regime of none other than rapper LL Cool J. In addition to learning the exercise routine of the self-proclaimed “Greatest of All Time”
Rapper- I was surprised to discover “Ladies Love Cool James” has completed the final record on his Def Jam contact called: Exit 13.
It just dawned on me after reading about LL’s bump into the sunset, that perhaps the Reverend Jesse Jackson could take a cue from LL Cool J and do an exit 13, maybe to reevaluate his status as a prominent leader in the African-American community.
Just when you thought all the racist rants, incendiary diatribes and abhorrent verbal fusillade was starting to subside concerning Barack Obama- here comes another one. Mind you not from the mouth of some neo-racist iconoclast masquerading as a conservative talk show host- but from someone I thought : would have a brother’s back.
It just goes to show you, like the Rev. Dr. Jeremiah Wright said (who was also accused of hate speech through his vociferous oratory commending America),”Everybody who is your color, ain’t your kind.”
In other words, just because they’re black doesn’t mean they have your back.
For Rev. Jax to crudely rant that he would like to chop off Obama’s balls (or more precisely) “I wanna cut his nuts off”- is proof that blacks can be racist.
Chopping off a Blackman’s reproductive organs is associated with the pernicious legacy of lynching. Anyone who’s studied that dark era of American history knows that to stray-even unconsciously- in this neighborhood is asking for trouble. Anyone black or white, using those words, is proof that their mind has been tainted by racism.
We even have further proof that Jackson’s heart is sick because he also used the ’n-bomb’ in connection with Obama.
I can’t believe Jesse Jackson would go there after knowing, observing, and experiencing personally Civil Rights history.
This wasn’t the first time the good Reverend said something “Off the cuff.” Do you remember “Hymietown?” Further research unfolds this wasn’t the first time Jackson attacked Obama. He accused Obama for ignoring the plight of American-Americans and charged Obama for “acting like he’s white” for failing to denounce the treatment of the Jena Six.
What are we to make of Jackson’s opprobrium? I believe America, witnessing the first presumptive African-American nominee for president, is going through a psychological withdrawal from racial stereotypes associated with this country’s racialized history. America was not prepared for Obama to possibly be the leader of free world and neither was Black America.
Obama represents the bridge between the protest politics of yesteryear of Rev. Jackson and past civil rights leaders, and the politics of multi-ethnic inclusion that seems to be less combative to Mainstream America.
Obama represents a new day and many- both black and white- can’t handle it.
Maybe Rev. Jackson fears change like the rest of America. Maybe he’s angry that the spotlight has shifted from him to Obama. Whatever his issue, He should have taken a page from modern day race arsonists: cloak your anger in covert rhetorical speech.
Then you can only be charged with being a conservative.
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