389 years after our African Ancestors came to these American shores in chains. 232 years after the American Revolution. 145 years after Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation. 54 years after Brown vs. Board of Education, which ended legalized segregation. 45 years after the March on Washington and Dr. Martin Luther King’s I Have a Dream speech. And 40 years after the assassinations of both Robert Kennedy and Dr. King, America has done what no one thought could ever happen in their lifetime: elected its first African American president.
Who would have imagined Barack Obama would become the leader of the free world?
Who could imagine that a man of color would be known as “the most powerful person on the planet?”
As I heard the news, I desperately tried to hold back my tears; but to no avail, as the levees of my soul broke like the levees in New Orleans during hurricane Katrina. I cried like a baby hungry for his mother’s milk. I could not believe the election of an African American was possible, or even a reality in my lifetime.
Now I can tell my children without fear or hesitation, that you can be whatever you want to be —even the president of the United States of America.
Let us keep the new president in our thoughts and prayers as he leads our nation to the change we all desperately need. Check out the transition website at Change.
And we are all very proud...
Thanks for some background info too.
I am very happy that Mr .Barack won the election by a landslide. However I am finding difficulty in the meaning of the whole thing. I expect change effective immediately in African Americans, so that our meaning will reflect who we really are and I can a better understanding. Meaning that by Barack winning will this decrease the black male population in prison? Will we see an increase in college admissions of black males? Better fathers????Will black males start to use proper language instead of slang all the time? WHAT DOES BARACK WINNING MEAN BESIDES THE OBVIOUS??????
I am very happy that Mr .Barack won the election by a landslide. However I am finding difficulty in the meaning of the whole thing. I expect change effective immediately in African Americans, so that our meaning will reflect who we really are and I can a better understanding. Meaning that by Barack winning will this decrease the black male population in prison? Will we see an increase in college admissions of black males? Better fathers????Will black males start to use proper language instead of slang all the time? WHAT DOES BARACK WINNING MEAN BESIDES THE OBVIOUS??????
Sorry for posting the same post
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