The presidential election is less than sixty days. Americans will decide a new political destiny for our nation. As it relates to Barack Obama, this election could make American history, if he’s elected the first president of African descent.
Having imagined the amazing possiblies Obama’s election would bring, not just for African-Americans, but for all America- I’m going to act as his political strategist and outline what he has to do in the next sixty days to seal the deal and win over a nation that is desperately in need of leadership.
1. Keep associating McCain with Bush. Just like the Republicans keep pounding on the “inexperience mantra” as relates to Obama, Obama has to keep in the minds of Americans that McCain is another version of President George Bush. Senator McCain voted 90% of the time with George Bush. It’s the George Bush administration that is responsible for high gas prices, astronomical rates of foreclosures and high unemployment rates. Tell the truth that both the economy and foreign policy have been horribly mismanaged by the Republicans and John McCain means more the same. Keep sticking McCain with Bush like starch on rice.
2. Exhibit Pastoral leadership not Pit-bull Aggression. The Republican game plan was revealed by both vice presidential nominee, Gov. Sarah Palin, and McCain campaign manager, Rick Davis: engage in character assignation and the politics of fear, and avoid the issues. Palin’s speech at the Republican National Convention spoke more about Obama than issues relevant to Americans. Furthermore, Rick Davis was quoted as saying “this election would be decided, not on the issues, but on the voters’ views of the candidates’ personalities.” This tells you that the Republicans will use the usual scare tactics to transmogrify the character of Obama. What Obama has to do is maintain the high road. He and his campaign team most avoid at all costs the belittling, dehumanizing ways used by anyone who is afraid and unsure of themselves and short on substance. When people are hurting, they need a pastor and not a pit bull. If America sees the heart of a caring shepherd in the character of Obama, in contrast to the bombastic ways of the Republicans- this will work in his favor.
3. The Bubba Vote. This is shorthand for white, working class voters who often live in rural areas. Obama has to win them over and sell them on the glaring reality that their interests are united with all Americans. He has to attack the notion of the reality of underlying racism that former House Majority leader Dick Armey spoke about. Armey was quoted as saying,” There are an awful lot of people in America… who simply are not emotionally prepared to vote for a black man.” How does Obama transcend underlying racism? Identify with the hurts and pains of small town America and trumpet patriotic values.
4. Grass roots Mobilization. This is Obama’s strong suit, and it has to be intensified: Voter registration, Election Day watch dogs to guard against voting irregularities, campaign advertising on every level.
Election 2008 must be played like a John Coltrane song on Blue note records (you dig the Obama jazz button?). Like poet Sterling Brown wrote, “the strong man keep on com’in,’ that’s what its going to take- a lot of resiliency and fight if Obama is to win the presidency.
In The House,
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