Republican presidential candidate John McCain’s selection of Alaska Governor Sarah Palin as his vice presidential running mate, reminded me of one of the most exciting plays in the NFL called the Flea flicker. The Flea flicker is one of those trick plays when the quarterback after the snap, hands off to a running back, who runs toward the line of scrimmage, laterals the football back to the quarterback, who then throws the ball to an eligible receiver, who is wide open.
The Flea flicker is play designed for deception. It freezes the linebacker and safety having them thinking to stop the run- when the play is a pass. In the selection of Sarah Palin, John McCain is running a Political Flea Flicker on those who are gullible to the tactics of subterfuge.
He thinks by selecting a female vice presidential running mate, he can draw in his camp those disgruntled Clinton feminists who feel disenfranchised because their candidate was not selected to be Obama’s second in command. He thinks he can turn America’s attention away from eight years of economic mismanagement by George Bush.
However, I have news for you. Although the play was brilliant, the goal of winning the White House is going to be much tougher than trying to win by choosing a female for V.P.
Here’s what I believe the choice of Gov. Palin says about McCain:
• He’s Desperate. There is no way around this feeling I get that the McCain is in more trouble than what the news media is letting on. This is a desperate attempt to secure the conservative Republican base and woman. McCain’s choice of Palin says to females that he believes they will vote gender before they will vote the issues.
• His Judgment. McCain only met Palin once. He only talked to her over the phone once. Yet, this was enough in his mind to choose this woman to possibly be the next commander in chief. Did I miss something?
• He’s pro Affirmative Action. Yea, I said it! Aren’t the Republicans always belly aching about those affirmative action people of color and females who get hired because they were unqualified. Well, doesn’t Palin fall under this category? And he has the nerve to say Obama’s unqualified. Oops, there goes that argument.
Whatever the outcome of this presidential election, its sure surpasses any drama I’ve seen lately.
In The House,
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